and Governance
One of my passions is recruiting high caliber board members. Utilizing a Board Development Committee, we prospect, evaluate, engage, recruit, and train new board members.
We evaluate potential board members or key supporters in three ways:
Do they have a passion for improving the lives of children
Do they reflect the diversity of our community
And/or are they multigenerational business owners or members of our community.

My recruitment of Chancellor Kent Syverude of Syracuse University has been a game changer for Longhouse Council. Kent’s standing in the community and dedication to the council (he was awarded the Distinguished Eagle in 2019) has opened numerous doors for the council, including helping to procure former First Lady Laura Bush as a BOYPOWER speaker.
Mark Muthumbi, Reginal President of Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield, is a board member who was recruited to serve as the Vice President of Administration. Mark was also the first African American Chairman of the BOYPOWER Dinner.
Had Fuller is a local philanthropist and multi-generational business owner. He was a scout as a youth and served as the BOYPOWER Chairman in 2013. Had stepped back from his support of scouting in 2017 following the decision to admit transgender youth into the program. I kept contact with him on a personal level, keeping him informed of the great things going on in Longhouse Council. Because of that personal contact, Had was our Distinguished Citizen Honoree of the 2019 BOYPOWER Dinner which raised $750,000. Today Had is actively engaged in camp and property sustainability as well as manpower recruitment.
Kemper Matt is the President of Dupli Graphics and a member of the FX Matt family. Kemper is an Eagle Scout who had served on the board but was not engaged. Chancellor Syverude and I recruited him to Chair the 2019 BOYPOWER Event which has been the largest to date. He has opened the door to a group of younger business leaders in the community and is now a member of our Eagle Dinner Committee.
Jim Breuer, President of Hueber Breuer is a business leader the Council has always wanted to engage. I utilized the Chancellor Syverude-Had Fuller connection to recruit Jim and his sons Charlie and Andy. Jim was the honoree for the 2020 BOYPOWER Event as well as being involved in the camp sustainability initiative.