Camp Sustainability
Council Operational Assessment
and Strategic Planning
The Camp Sustainability Project is in the process of determining the use, condition, and financial needs of each property. It will answer the question of whether we should right-size our asset base to current and future needs. Each property is also being evaluated to determine If we should continue to invest in the property, if we should hold the property for future use, or If we should dispose of the property. Other items of consideration include minimum needs of a camp, year-round and summer opportunities, facility needs, location, program, unique attractions, and whether property ownership equals property access.
The Council Operational Assessment Study Team (COAST) reviews and evaluates our systems of support throughout the council territory. The Longhouse Council has undergone multiple mergers over the years with the former council territories becoming districts and leaving their boundaries intact. COAST is in an ongoing evaluation of that process and has to date formed two new service areas from four former districts. Early results show improved program support and stronger district operations.

In Northern NJ I was involved in the pilot of the M3 Planning: Strategic Planning process, determining what worked easily and what would be challenging. I was directly involved with the Membership, Outdoor, Risk Management, Technology, and Asset Management sections of the plan. With the huge number of people involved, it took more than a year to develop our plan. Goals and action items of each indicator were reviewed weekly. The action items were also used to develop agendas for meetings at all levels of the operation.
I became part of orientation teams at various meetings to assist other councils in development of their strategic plans.